Sunday, October 31, 2010


Fat Bob sent me a message saying and asked me to check out the interviews made with Illusions webzine.Owh thats cool, so I read the questions and answers raised and very exciting for me to read.Only just check out the interview below hahaha!!:

 ILLUSIONS WEBZINE: First off I just want to say thanks for taking the time to answer some questions Bob. Earlier this year found CUFF six feet under and resting in peace, yet there is still a little morsel for the fans out there that we'll get to later on in the interview. But for now, how did yourself and guitarist/bassist/drum programmer/additional vocalist Zach Smith start the band back in 2005? Was he a part of your previous band Necromatory?

BOB: Well Zach and I have been band members since our young days. We started a band called Necromatory with another member, after that faded away we started CUFF as a 2 piece. Zach has always been the program drummer and guitarist for cuff I just do the vocals and samples.  

IW: How did you guys come up with the name CUFF and were there other possibilities for the name or is that the one and only?

BOB: I'm gonna be honest, I was watching porno on how to make a girl squirt and the guy said "Just cuff the pussy. Cuff your fingers in there" and as we started out we were more Pornoslam.

IW: What was the writing process like for you guys? Did you take care of the lyrics and Zach the music or was it more of a collaboration?  

BOB: Well I start by gathering samples we wanna use for songs, then basically Zach makes the music, he sends them to me, I listen to them and make vocal patterns, record them on there then put the sample on to it all sounds good. Then Zach checks it over.    

IW: CUFF has 14 releases far. Out of those releases, what one or ones are your favorites and what one or ones (if any) are a least favorite and why for each?  

BOB: "Covered in Resin" is my favourite out of the bunch, also "The Durtyshwa Massacre" because it has so few copies and its all about serial killers. Least favourite would be our first split because we were just starting out.  

IW: Alright as I mentioned above you have 14 releases SO FAR because even though CUFF is no more you will be resurecting a 6 song EP in just a couple of days on THE perfect day for an extreme metal release. Halloween. What is the title of this release and how can people get their paws on it?  

BOB: The title is "EP 2010 aka Songs of Horror". It's a 10 minute track with 6 songs. 5 new songs and a new version of our old song "Blood Sucking Freaks". They can message our myspace about the ep or go to Deathmutt Records' myspace and get it from there.  

IW: Are you happy with how this new EP turned out and would you mind sharing a couple song titles? Not all 6 if you don't want to but just a couple.  

BOB: I am happy how this ep turned out. I wanted to release this material so bad so the fans can here some more CUFF. And for song titles. New songs 2010 haha.  

IW: Out of all of the CUFF show's you guys have had, do you have any favorites that spring to mind? What about any not so favorite moments?  

BOB: Hands down Lividity show or Coathanger Abortion. We love playing a pure death metal show. Also Meserine was good too.  

IW: After this 15th release in a couple of days, are there any more that may climb out of the grave in the future?  

BOB: We were thinking of doing like a favourites album and picking a bunch of good songs. Also we got some covers we did.  

IW: What are your plans for the future? Do you plan on getting something else going or joining an existing band or will you just be sitting it out for a little while?  

BOB: I know I'll get a band going at some point its just finding the right members, thats the hard part. I'm always doing vocals for songs for other bands.  

IW: When did you first start listening to metal and do you remember what band it was that triggered it?  

BOB: I first started listening to metal around age 13. I was obsessed with Ozzy Osbourne and then with bands such as Slayer to Cannibal Corpse thats what triggered it.  

IW: How long have you been doing vocals and did you dive right into the ultra gurgles or did you progress to this style?  

BOB: I started out with growling/screaming type vocals for early band Necromatory but I wanted to do something other than that so I went with the ultra gurgles and it grew with CUFF.  

IW: What were some of the bands that influenced you in the early stages and what are a few of the bands that you listen to now?  

BOB: Black Sabbath, Slayer, Cannibal Corpse, Dying Fetus, Suffocation, Cryptopsy and bands I listen to now Devourment, Dripping, Waking the Cadaver, anything with groove and slam.  

IW: What is the current metal scene like in your area of Ontario, Canada? Are there any other sick bands to keep our eyes out for and how are the venues there? 

BOB: It fucking sucks. It's all a bunch of emo faggots coming to shows these days there are only a select few of true death metalers in Oshawa these days.There are sick bands coming out of Ontario these days: Serene MolestationMortifyFetus FeastThe Unborn DeadAvon Dealeretc.Also venues are hard to get here cause they're overrun by scene hardcore shows.

IW: In your own opinion what are some of the great things about the metal community and what (if any) are some of the bad things?  

BOB: I find when there's a good enough show the real metal community comes out but all these sissy shows going on latley its kids with your sisters pants on being a ninja. It sucks when you like a good band and you go and wait through 1 million break downs just to hear the band you like.  

IW: When you aren't spewing forth into a microphone what are some things that keep you occupied?  

BOB: Family, video games, movies, looking for work lol

IW: Well brother that brings this interview to an end for now. Thanks again for answering some questions man and wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors dude. The last words are yours for anything I might've forgotten or links or whatever you can think of. Cheers bro!  


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